Last updated on March 14th, 2024 at 12:30 pm

Today I did a toddler photo shoot of my youngest daughter, Kaycie. This is the last day that my little Kaycie will be 2 years old. As my youngest daughter, this makes me sad that I will never have a 2-year-old running around again. I had to capture a picture of her during her last day as a 2-year-old.

When she wants to be, she is the sweetest little girl. I love her so much. She loves to give hugs and kisses and just sit on your lap and cuddle. She looks up to her big sister, Kylie, so much and just wants to be doing what she is doing. In a couple of weeks, she starts pre-school for the first time and will be in the same class as her big sister. She is getting really excited about that.

For this picture of her, I used my in-house photo studio set up. I had to light boxes shining at her with a blue blanket background hanging from a rod. I used my Canon 7D to capture the picture with a shutter speed of 1/100 and an f-stop of f/5.6.


📜 About the Photographer

Tamara Ray Photographer
Tamara Ray

I started out using 35mm point and shoot cameras, then upgraded to a 35mm DSL camera, and then finally came the world of digital DSL cameras. Gone are the days of having to wait for your film to be developed to see what you captured. Photography has never been so much fun!

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